Kalahari summer storm

Title-Kalahari summer storm
Medium-Oil on Masonite board
Size-6x8 Inches
Price-$60 Plus $25 Worldwide shipping

While many of you are experience cold weather at the moment we are sweltering in the summer heat.In fact as I am typing this a thunderstorm has just broken bringing us some relief .Here in Botswana Rain is always appreciated, in fact the currency of the country is called Pula which means Rain (Shows how much they value both money and Rain)

I have to go to bed now as my brother is giving me evil looks,and once again muttering threats. Kalahari summer storm is my 14th painting for the challenge this month,which means I am almost half way.


Gorgeous Roger!Congrats too, just about half way.
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The rain is coming...I am now a couple behind, but shall catch up.
I an a big fan of Alexander McCall Smith and #1 Ladies Detective stories. So much of what you talk about I am familiar with.

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